Adult group classes

Alliance Française holds group and private classes in Remuera, Takapuna or online.
Our term classes run in 10 weeks blocks. As well as our regular lessons we have a variety of special topic classes, language workshops (Grammar and Pronunciation) and conversational group classes available.

Please note that we need at least 5 students to open a class.

Choose a level: 

If you've never studied French before => You can enrol in A1.1 level - our complete beginner class.

If you have some French language skills => Start by taking our level assessment.
Based on this assessment, our director of study will contact you and have a chat with you to help  choose the best class for you

Explore our lessons, available online and on-site

Find all compulsory books needed for ou
r  classes:

The platform you will use for your lessons:

Click here to see all books Click here to see all books

Click here to go to the portal Click here to go to the portal

Level Curriculums:

Click on the buttons below to see a copy of the curriculums, these will help you to better understand what you will learn and what you can expect from learning French through Alliance Française.

A1 A1

a2 a2

b1 b1
b2 b2
c1 c1
c2 c2

We offer many options to help you master French.

By taking classes with us, you will

  • Learn with qualified, experienced and  professional French teachers.
  • Progress in a friendly French immersion environment.
  • Master French with our complete curriculum from A1 to C1 following the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages
  • Work toward internationally recognised exams.
  • Have online access to the class progression and resources. 
  • Improve your learning with resources from our media-library.